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Frustrating to work so hard and still feel like there’s no progress.
Why is that?
What really is blocking our ability to “breakthrough”?
The first time I heard about the R.A.S. I thought the guy had made it up.
He was super passionate about “getting through the R.A.S.”
His passion was a little too much for a normal human being.
My “scam” triggers were going off and telling me not to listen to the guy.
As I kept listening, because I was struggling to make progress in my own life, he said, “Once you learn how to get through the R.A.S., then you will see how much your subconscious will work for you”.
Ok, that caught my attention.
I dove in.
The R.A.S. is the reticular activating system. It’s a real thing…and it’s in your brain…and it works 24/7. It is the gatekeeper to the deep functioning parts of your brain. Here’s a few excerpts from one of my seminar workbooks…

The big take away is it’s a FILTER.
The main thing it filters is your NEW IDEAS.
So when you set a new goal, or try a new thing, it blocks it, and kicks it out.
This can also be felt as Self-Doubt.
Ever felt that before?
Yep, me too.
It came from your RAS.
No wonder so many people quit their goals or give up.
They have no idea what they are up against inside their head.
So the more I studied and practiced to GET THROUGH this stinkin’ filter…I got through.
That is when I had crazy success.
1,000 person seminars each month.
$50,000 coaching clients.
Millions of dollars in sales every year.
When people would ask me what my secret was…I would straight up tell them, ya got to figure out how to get through your own filter.
Now some people have a thick filter…some have a thin one.
Hard headed? Probably.
Thick skull? That’s a good description, too.
Either way you say it, it’s still the RAS.
So…instead of “hitting a wall”, maybe they are hitting their RAS?

Even though you might have great knowledge, great ideas, new skills…it is not a guarantee that you are capable of doing them. Your RAS filter could still be rejecting them. This creates feelings of frustration, discouragement and can lead to feeling like “something is wrong with me”.
Actually, the only thing that is “wrong with you”, is that you don’t know how to get through the filter.
Here’s how…
It requires repetition. Whatever you are trying to get into your subconscious it will require repetition. The filter won’t let it through until it becomes familiar…then it accepts it.
It requires emotion. If it’s only facts and facts alone then it has less meaning. If there is a passion or a purpose behind what you are wanting to become or do…the RAS filter will take that as HUGE evidence that this should be accepted.
Less doubt. When you believe the doubt, the RAS filter has no sympathy for you. It already kicked your new idea out…and if you are also kicking it out, so what. You have to lower your amount of time that you spend in doubt and get back to hope, belief and send it back to the RAS again, and again…and again…get back up and charge that front door to the SC as many times as it takes to get that deep into your SC.
Requires visualization. When you practice visualizing your goal finished, your mission completes you are tapping into the SC and already assuming that it has been completed…so you are acting as though you are already through the RAS filter…and when you can bypass the gate and play the movie in your mind like you are already in there…that shortens the time it takes for the RAS to accept your desired outcome. This is a HUGE accelerator to getting through the RAS.
Count every ounce of progress you make as a big deal. Give it tons of energy and recognition. When you downplay the small progress it’s as though you are not seeing that the door to the RAS is cracking open. When you validate the opening of the door and encourage it to open more, the RAS will respond to that kind of attitude, but if you are an “All or nothing” kind of person, you will suffer, because the door will keep slamming in your face.
Get after it.
Your filter is yours to get through. No blaming others for your struggles, the struggle is inside of you.
Check on your client, they also struggle with the same thing.
It would be nice if someone would point this out to us and teach us when we are young how this all works so we could really create massive progress in our life. Weird that it’s not more publicly known. I wonder why?
You are a coach for a reason.
On a weekly basis replay or review in your mind what moved you to become a coach and keep that spirit of coaching alive in your soul. I believe God gave you a unique ability to help others solve problems and go through healing. Have mercy on your own soul as you are learning how to do this coaching thing. It’s worth it.
Keep going!
My Next Live in Person Event:
Empath Masterclass
March 14-15
Pleasant Grove, Utah
See details - 3ke.to/masterclass
Questions? [email protected]
Quote of the Week
“People are at their best when they are challenged.
If we don’t challenge ourselves, nature has a way of giving us challenges anyway.
There is great value in our struggles and human nature has shown us that we only value the things
we struggle to achieve.”
Song of the Week:
Do you like cool, calm, epic, soul moving music with no lyrics…
This is one of my new favorite tunes…Sounds so cool with headphones on. ~Chills~
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