Why do I have money issues?

Where to start...and what to stop.

How to Coach

I asked my grandson….would you rather have a chocolate chip cookie….or $1,000?
I bet you can guess what he said…

MONEY? Why do I have money issues…?

As a coach, sooner or later you will want to have paying clients to compensate you for your time, education and skills.  You may be having difficulty charging for what you do OR you could be struggling raising your price.  Either way, these thoughts and actions will test your money beliefs and money perceptions.

Your money “training” you received growing up most likely has some distortions or faulty philosophies.  I’m sure you learned good principles here and there, but if you're having any resistance or reactions to money or the thought of asking for money in exchange for what you do, I betcha it comes from some of the twisted views that got placed in your head as you were growing up.

You’re not broken. It’s a matter of unwinding the false truths and updating your mind with better views.

Where to START.  

Your unique money patterns that you live are set into a pattern.  You keep traveling this same pattern over and over again.  Most of the time we are unconscious of our subconscious patterns.  The way we interpret this is by telling others that we feel like we are “stuck”, which means…I am spinning my wheels and I’m not getting anywhere = stuck.

So to begin breaking the pattern you're living you want to introduce to your mind a new thought or series of thoughts.  Let’s start with formulating the new way of thinking you want your mind to adopt….grab a pad of paper or a journal and jot some notes down with these questions…

  1. What do you wish your experience with money was like? 

  2. What feelings do you wish were attached to money? 

  3. What amount of money do you wish you had flowing into your life each week or month?  Keep in mind that if you use too big of a number here your mind will immediately turn it into a fantasy and not a possible reality.  Fantasy thinking will be entertained as a fun thought, but never acted on.

  4. What would you do with this money that is flowing into your life?

  5. Now that all of your bills are paid and you are debt free….what would you do with your flow of money?

  6. How would that make you feel to be able to do these things?

This now becomes a document for you to review each morning and each night.  If I were you I would read it outloud.  Your vocal cords produce a vibration that resonates through your body.  This new way of thinking about money you want to be accepted by your whole body…so read it out loud and produce that new vibe / vibration.

What to STOP.

You need to know the chain reaction you are about to create.  Introducing a NEW thought process about money will push up against the already existing money programs in your subconscious.  What you have created now is an internal “wrestle”.  This is now the wrestle between the OLD money story….and the NEW money story.  The old one has been there longer…so it will feel like it is going to win…and it will feel like it won’t budge.  You may even think…”Kirk, this doesn’t work!!!”....ahhhhhh, but you don't know what I know…old programs/perceptions can be pushed out.  Good energy will always overpower struggle energy.  Your job is to keep reading this out loud each morning and night and STOP believing the old money story’s in your mind.  Even get to the point where you discount the negative feelings & thoughts you have about money….Example:  Your head says…”You can’t have more money, you're not good enough.”  YOU speak back at that thought and say, “NO, I can change and I can improve and I have what it takes to earn what I want!”  

Today is the day that you stand up for yourself against the bullies in your head.  

Your thoughts don’t get to control you…you control your thoughts.
And there is a good chance that you have some thoughts that need to be told to shut up and get out.

Money issues are the result of distorted thinking about money.
Straighten them out starting today.
You will always produce what you first produced inside of your mind.
So get in there and change the conversation with the steps I gave you today.

I hope you are coaching someone.

If you don’t have a practice client, call a friend up and convince them to let you practice on them.  The more you practice the more confident you will feel.  That feeds your personal value.  That’s a good thing.

Learning the skill of coaching takes practice.
Get good at this.
You are going to impact the lives of others.
You are meant to be great at this!

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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“The things you do for yourself
are gone when you are gone,
but the things you do for others
remain as your legacy.”

~ Kalu Kalu

Song of the Week:

Dedicated to my Dad, I’m still doing what I promised…

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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