Tricks your mind plays on you

Not all thoughts are facts.

60,000’ish thoughts a day.

Ok, that’s a lot.
On the average they say 45,000’ish are distorted, messy, negative and confusing.
That can be tricky.

So why do we give so much credit to the information that rolls around in our head?
It is our head/mind…right…this is what we trust to keep us alive.
Our thoughts are also our way of making sense of our life and the world.
Our thoughts are something we experience every second, every hour, every day.
Makes sense why we would trust them so much.
But should we trust them?
What about the 45,000’ish thoughts that are reckless…that’s a lot of dangerous thinking.

The good thing is…we are not our thoughts.
Thoughts are bits and pieces of information from 100’s of sources and resources.
Some thoughts were generated today….
Some thoughts are still spinning in our head from 10, 20 years ago.
They are so random….enough to drive a ya crazy, right?!

Are thoughts… FACTS?
How could they?
I just thought of a dinosaur chasing the dog in my neighbors back yard and trying to eat it.
I thought it… it should be a fact, right?

So much of what goes on inside is made up, partially configured and missing details.
Do YOU believe everything that is in your thoughts?

As a coach, I watch as people truly believe a lot of what happens in their thoughts.

There is a growing problem of internal deception going on and people are struggling to know what to believe and what to write off.

These are samples of what I have heard the audience….and clients say:

  • I can’t call them, this is going to turn out really bad.

  • I am not good at sales so I should never run my own business.

  • They will never forgive me, this won’t change.

  • I can’t write this book, no one will ever read it.

  • I know God is mad at me, because he never talks to me.

  • I didn’t get the job because they didn’t like me.

  • I got a bad grade on that test because the teacher has something against me.

  • No one cares about me because no one asks.

Did your thoughts collide and stick together to produce that thought?
Do you have real evidence to back up that conclusion?

Watch out… your mind will play tricks on you.
It’s making up stories.
It makes up stories with the smallest pieces.

The dangerous part is… when you start to actually believe your made up story.
And that can be difficult… deciphering between what is real… and what is made up.

Good Story = Good Results
Bad Story = Bad Results

I ask my clients: ”did you make this up?” Or “where did you come up with this conclusion?” I don’t doubt them. I just don’t instantly believe what I hear. Knowing that most opinions are manufactured inside of minds that are out of control. This has taught me to find the source of their thought before I give any credit to it.

While in your coaching appointment, be very curious about the details behind “bold” statements that your client will make.  A person's life can get shaped and formed from the thoughts they believe.  As a coach, you will find it necessary to question the origination of that bold belief.

  • How long have you believed this statement?

  • When did you learn this?

  • Who did you learn this from?

  • Does this work for you?

  • What kind of results does this statement create for you?

  • Do you know other people who think this same way?  If so, does this work for them, too?

Even though the thought/statement is true to them….
It doesn’t mean that it is the most productive or healthy for them.
They might not see how it’s costing them to keep that thought.

Coach your client to be a better “storyteller”.
This is a game changer.
I have them write down what they want the “next level” of their life to be like.
Not too far into the future….just the next level.

In fact I am jumping on a call with one of my clients in 3 minutes to follow up on how their new “story” is coming along... so, I am going to stop… hold this coaching appointment... then come back and report…



Ok, I’m back.
Great appointment.
I jumped in and helped my client write out their “Life Story”.
Sometimes they get stuck when they are trying to start….so I jump in and start writing it
for them.  
They share their ideas of what they wish was better….and I play the scribe.
It’s really cool how fast they light up!
All they need is a boost…someone to get them started.

If you want my outline of how to write a Life Story email my office and tell them…
Email - [email protected]
We will send it to you!

Hmmm…maybe you could benefit from a Life Story?
If you haven’t written one yet….make this your Sunday afternoon project.
That’s a great day to get inspired.

Life’s so much better with a Coach.
Keep your eyes open, your next client is somewhere around you.


“Not everything that is faced can be changed,
but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

~ James Baldwin

Song of the Week:

First time I heard this song… it grabbed my attention.
Everyone is going through changes….
might want to give them some mercy along the way.

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