Sticky mud in the Comfort Zone?

How to finally lure them out

How to Coach


  1. It’s a safe place.

  2. No risk.

  3. No pain.

  4. No effort.

  5. No mistakes.

  6. No embarrassment.

  7. Less effort.

  8. Can’t do no wrong.

  9. Simple.

  10. Familiar.

Makes sense why clients get stuck there.  Too many good reasons to stay in the zone of comfort.
Almost every commercial on TV and in other places, they are selling comfort.  The ease of doing things….or how you can work less and have more….or just “click this button” or “take this pill” and all will be well.  With our minds being bombarded with “comfort” options and how we should be living a life of comfort and striving for comfort….no wonder “goal setting” and personal development is becoming more and more of a challenge.

COMMON MISTAKE: If you guide or suggest or all out push your client into doing action steps that are uncomfortable you have a chance of losing them…meaning that they might not come back for awhile.  Not every client is like this…but it is becoming an issue coaches are facing.  If the task is difficult or bigger then what they are used to…their UNCOMFORTABLE warning button gets hit and they can shut down or turn off or disappear.

Here’s how to not lose them and still be pointing them in the direction of doing hard things.

  1. When selecting options for tasks to work on towards their goal give them 2-3 options of what task to do next.  And ask them to give you their preference.  In this process you will learn quickly what they are willing to do and not do.

  2. Now give them 2-3 options of how long of a timeline or deadline will be applied to these tasks.  Again, ask them which one seems more to fit them.  This will also help you see how quick they will take action.

  3. The plan is to have the client choose the task and the timeline for the first 2-4 tasks towards the goal.  After this “warm up” phase, you then can start to ask them to do harder things….20% harder.

  4. Balance the increase of size of tasks and shortness of deadlines that is still doable, but is becoming increasingly more of a stretch to complete the task.

  5. Stretch them, don’t trigger them to shut down or walk away.

THE PROBLEM: The sensitivity to mistakes, failures and embarrassment has gone up.
People still want to be better and do better.
Instead of assuming how your client operates in this area, you give options to do hard things OR easier things and watch to see what they pick.  No judgment on them. 

THE SECRET is to give them space and time to do the “work” towards their goal while in the “comfort zone” at the beginning. They start to see that it’s possible, they can do this, they see how you treat them and this begins to build up their confidence in themselves.  Then when you begin to draw them out of the comfort zone they will be more willing to do the “stretch” tasks….which will continue to increase to where they can do larger tasks

EXTRA INSIGHT: Build your client self esteem. Out of 60,000 thoughts a day, the average person experiences 45,000 of those in a negative or degrading way.  So for them to hear you speak highly of them with belief, encouragement, pointing out what they are capable of….that feeds their mind to go for it. 

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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Love this quote…


“When mind is weak…situation is a problem.
When mind is balanced, situation is challenge.
When mind is strong, situation becomes an opportunity”

~ Unknown

Song of the Week:

Great song my I got from my son

Funny thing happened the other day,

wondered where my grandkids were……… found them

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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