STEP 0: Before the 1st appointment

The more you know...the better you can tune in.

How to Coach

I added 5 new personal coaching clients this last week.
Super excited to work with them.
They are pumped, ready to take action.

BIG MISTAKE #1 - Rushing into the coaching process too soon.
BIG MISTAKE #2 - Thinking that what I know about them is enough to get started.

Great coaching comes from deep insight.
Before you jump into the coaching sessions, it’s time to ask a lot of questions.

Get to know your client before you jump into a coaching session with them.
I have had coaches in the past who didn’t ask me questions before we started having sessions….super buggy to use precious coaching time sharing my stories about fishing with my kids.  I want my coaching time to be productive and intentional…as a client, those appointments are priceless.

So be a higher level coach and get all your “find out” questions asked before the appointments start.

Here’s a picture of one of my emails I sent last week…to find out more about them…

If you can’t read the image…here’s what I asked for in the email… 

  1. Go to this link and complete my questionnaire.

  2. Email me a picture of your story that you wrote during the Royalty & Romance class.

  3. Email me a picture of you 3 favorite things you like to do.

  4. Email me a picture of the front of your house.

  5. Email me a picture of you and your spouse together.

  6. Email me a picture of your favorite book that you have read.

  7. Email me and tell me why you choose me as your coach.

Over the years I have adjusted my requests to different types of things.
Other ideas you can test is to ask for…

  • Picture of their vision board.

  • Any reports about sales calls.

  • Copies of their last 10 emails they sent their clients.

  • Copy of their calendar over the last 2 months.

  • Written description of their goals.

  • What are their top 10 challenges…?

  • Ask for anything that they would be willing to share that will give you more insight about them, what they do, what they can produce, what they struggle with….

This discovery process (asking questions ahead) saves sooooo much time during coaching sessions. 
In my image above I have them click a link to a Google Drive Form that I made that has questions for them to answer…this gives me insight to their point of view, what they currently know and what kind of language they use to describe things.
In case you were wondering…here is a list of the Google Drive Form questions that I ask…

  1. First name

  2. Tell me your favorite holiday and why

  3. Tell me your favorite vacation and why

  4. Tell me your favorite movie and why  

  5. Tell me what you love about your life

  6. The main areas of my life where I seem to be succeeding are….?

  7. The main areas of my life that I am spinning my wheels are….?

  8. The emotions that have prevented me from moving forward as fast as I know I can are…

  9. The people in my life that are treating me poorly are…

  10. If I started believing a little more in myself, I’d be much likelier to…

  11. A person who was a real miracle working in my life was….

  12. In order to be the person I know I’m capable of being, I’d have to start behaving more like…

  13. The main goal I’m going to focus on in the next 3 months to improve my life is…

  14. I consider my strengths to be…

  15. I consider my weaknesses to be…

  16. Someone else would probably say my strengths are..

  17. What brings me joy is…

  18. The number of hours I spend on personal development a week is…

  19. The best things I've found to keep myself motivated include…

  20. The best things I’ve found to keep myself motivated include…

  21. If I had to focon on just two things with Kirk, they’d include..

  22. What trips me up every time I try to make a positive change is…

  23. I would say that my biggest problem is…

  24. When it comes to forgiveness, I would say I am good at…

  25. When it comes to forgiveness, I would say I am NOT good at…

  26. The best thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life is…and the reason it is the best thing is…

  27. If I gave myself advice on how to fix my life I would tell myself…

  28. When I hear a disempowering voice in my head, it’s usually telling me that…

  29. I always wish I had more time to spend doing things like…

  30. I feel like my superpower is…

  31. If I didn’t care so much what other people thought, the first thing I’d probably do is…

  32. I know that the people in my life want me to be happy, because…

  33. The relationships in my life that are truly supporting my well-being and growth are the ones I have with…

WOW!  Super valuable information to me as a coach.
You can make up your own list of questions and create your own Google Form for your new clients to complete.  I know coaches who do an interview and ask their clients the questions…and then write down their answers.  

So I create a Google Drive Folder for each client and save all this data in their folder so it’s in the same place.  Easy to use, easy to access.  

The day before their next appointment I will review the notes and answers I have on them so I can tune in.  My goal is to create a breakthrough for them which escalates their transformation.

If you haven’t used a questionnaire before…or a had a “discovery” appointment (appointment 0) before starting the coaching program with them then give it a spin…try it out….it has been a game changer for me.

The more I know about them, the better I can tune into them.

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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Quote of the Week:

“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams”

~ Les Brown


Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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