Intuitive Coaching: How to use your senses

Kirk Duncan
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Intuitive Coaching: How to use your Senses

Great coaches continue to improve their listening skills.
Listening is more than using your ears.
But what if your senses are off ... .what if I can’t tune into your client?
What do you do?
I’ll help you out.
I’ve been there and it’s a bit tricky to get your system back in line and running good again.


Here are a few things that can rack your listening system and make it hard for you to tune in and do your best work with clients. You would think you can just pop back into your best level of connecting with others.  But some of these mind racking moments can ding you for a few days and even weeks... maybe even months.  So here’s my punch list of what can throw you off.  

  1. Just had an argument with someone.

  2. Got some bad news.

  3. Too much screen time.

  4. Binge ate junk food.

  5. Hanging around negative people.

  6. Got injured.

  7. Watch way too much bad news.

  8. Stayed up late for too many nights in a row.

  9. Got triggered…

So if you had one or more of these experiences lately it will affect your accuracy in hearing what your clients are saying.  The client can sense when your listening skills are off.  I’ve had this happen with coaches that I have hired…I can tell when they are ON…and when they are OFF.  The quality of the appointment sure changes when their listening skills are wavering.

This is what you do to fix this.

  1. Rebalance with Nature - get outside, go for a drive, get away from buildings and the noise.  Find a place that you can be with trees, bushes, water, fields, hills, mountains or safe animals.  Get out of your vehicle and either find a place to sit or go for a little walk.  The energetic charge in the air will affect your mind, body and soul and will recalibrate you.  Do your best to be present and in the moment…almost as though you're trying to be part of what is around you.  Earth and Nature are there for us to balance our inner world.

  2. VENT / RANT - Blowing off some steam and expressing what is on your mind about what happened or what is happening relieves energetic pressure that is building up and shutting you down.  It is an option to call someone and unload your stuff on them ... .but let’s not melt their brains with what you have to say ... .so go for a walk or grab something to write on….it’s time to EXPRESS.  Either you could be super sad…or angry…distrubed or just ticked off.  Don’t hold back, unload what you want to say.  At first it feels really good….Arghhhhh….but then you start to come back to your senses and now you start to hear yourself.  That’s the signal that you have blown enough out of your pipes.  When you can feel your energy shift UP OR you start to recognize that what your saying doesn’t have to be that intense ... .you have reset your listening system.

  3. Pour on the Music - I have a couple different types of playlists.  Some are a collection of songs I use when I am angry ... .sad... .confused ... .ready to tackle the world…and transformation music.  Over the last 19 years I have used music to reset my mind, body, soul.  It works.  Usually takes a handful of songs, but I like the process because I can either sit and soak on it…or I can clean the garage while listening to it.  I know that if my mind, body or soul gets disturbed or crashed into I can get it back into working order using music.  Some of the songs have lyrics…some don't.  Some songs I will listen to over and over and over again.  I use music like a coping tool….or fixing tool….it works.

With these 3 different activities it’s a great way to turn back on my listening skills.
They also work great to increase my listening skills.
Even if I am not trying to repair something that has happened to me…these same 3 can heighten what I can perceive in others. So if you are ever in a place where you wish you could improve and understand more about people and what they are sharing with you, start using 1 or all 3 of these each week.

Next week's email will include additional techniques and mindset resets that will advance your listening skills.
There is so much we miss when others are talking.
The more that I can catch and interpret correctly the better I can serve my clients.

These same skills help me as a dad, husband and friend.
When someone feels heard….they feel valued.
I figure the best way I can help others feel like they are valuable is for me to be the best listener I can.

Talk to you next week.

Oh, hey, check out my Empath Class that I am doing next month in March.
Details are at the top of this message.  Click the link to see more of what I will be doing in the class.
Hope to see you there.  It would be fun to connect.

Happy Coaching to you!

Quote of the Week

“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”

~ Alexander Pope

Sounds like to be a better human, I better learn how to forgive.

Song of the Week:

Cool song I found this week
No lyrics…awesome piano….
I have listened to this song 100 times this week.
I love what it does to my energy field.

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