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- Empowerment techniques VS Let Go techniques
Empowerment techniques VS Let Go techniques
Which to use when?

When my clients are stuck, there are exactly 2 surefire ways to get them unstuck.
The first is called Empowerment Techniques.
Basically, it’s any activity or exercise that… you guessed it… empowers!
Some of my favorites are:
Positive declarations
Uplifting music playlist
Vision Boards
But there are hundreds of techniques, maybe thousands, that fall into this category.
Cause when people are stuck, what they’re really describing is stuck thoughts and stuck emotions that are resulting in stuck actions.
Techniques like these help to get emotion flowing, new thoughts blooming, and all of that leads to the potential of new behaviors.
While most clients do notice some level of immediate boost in their mood and mindset, the biggest improvement comes from doing empowerment techniques regularly for weeks and months over time.
What’s awesome too is that most empowerment techniques are totally “free” and require no (or very few) materials.
For example:
You can write down positive declarations on paper or in your phone.
You can create a vision board with hand drawn words and images stuck to the wall with painters tape. (or, again, create an image on your phone or just an album of photos and screenshots to scroll through!)
You can create a free playlist on Spotify or YouTube, or even find an existing positive playlist someone else has made.
So Empowerment techniques aren’t hard, ya just gotta have your client pick one and start doing it.
The second surefire way to get clients unstuck is with Let Go Techniques.
(I know, another super clever name)
These techniques are anything that helps you to release emotion or attachment to things past, present, or future.
They also could involve physically letting go, like clearing out excess things in your house to donate.
Or it could be more of an emotional release, like forgiving someone who hurt you or simply venting to a tree about something that’s been frustrating to you.
After almost 20 years of coaching, I can promise you that clients who do some of BOTH types of techniques move forward.
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to let go of negativity or excess, while also injecting yourself with positivity about yourself and the future, and somehow NOT have a breakthrough. It’s simply inevitable!
IF…. if you stick with it.
Again, if your client only tries one of these techniques once, sure… they could come back and say they still feel stuck.
But after several times of letting go and empowering themself, people will start to ask them, “What are you doing? You’re different!”
I know because I’ve watched this happen more times than I can count.
So in your next coaching session, make sure you teach your client an empowerment technique or let go technique - or better yet - do it with them during the appointment!
Then hit reply to this email to let me know how it went. 🤠
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Quote of the week:
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
Song of the week:
- Kirk

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