Did you throw your client in the deep end?

Casualties of doing too much too fast.

How to Coach

Did you throw your client in the deep end?

Is it ok to NOT move forward to the next step?

I used to think that it was my job as a Coach to move the client to the next step as soon as possible.  I thought that progress = success.  I thought this way until I met Heather.  Now Heather is not her real name, but it works for the story.

When Heather hired me as her coach and paid $20,000 for 1 year of coaching I had asked her what she wanted to accomplish during this time.  “I want to get really good at my Vision Board”.  Quickly my mind tried to process what she just said…..because the Vision Board principle was one of ten different techniques that I taught my clients and now here I have a client that wants to take a whole year to learn about Vision Boards ... ... ..is there really that much to talk about?

We started her appointments the next week.  Sure enough, she was determined to master the art of visualization.  That's all we talked about.  I was concerned that we would run out of points to talk about.  I was pleasantly surprised that our conversations were rich with content and ultimately it was life changing for her.

That made me wonder...with my regular coaching program was I throwing them in the deep end and giving them too much to do in too little of time to do it?  I checked in on my other clients…and sure enough…they had been learning a lot…but they admitted that they couldn’t do it all.  In fact, some even felt like they couldn’t measure up to what I was asking them to do and it was having a negative effect on them.  UGH!  That is not what I wanted to have happen.  I had thrown my clients in the deep end and they were treading water and sinking.  I can’t drown my clients with information, that won’t work.

I had to adjust.

Maybe less is more?

Maybe it’s better to assist them in getting really good at one skill or principle before introducing another one.

I changed my coaching program.

Instead of having a new skill to teach at the next appointment, we worked on fine tuning the current one they were working on.  I put all the skill based techniques into a menu instead of an automatic “you're learning this next if you're ready or not” type of program.  Having them in a menu gave them options of what to work on next.  And to better help them select which skill or principle to work on we would go through a review or an assessment to evaluate where to start and what to do next.

Your coaching program might not be set up to run this way, but it’s worth considering.  

The best thing to do for your client is to be aware of what they are actually capable of doing.  What were they able to complete since the last appointment?  In a way you are looking to assess their “Client Pace”.  Since people don’t walk the same pace as others, it makes sense that people progress at their own pace.  So instead of throwing your clients in the deep end, ease them into the shallow end and guide them along the way so they feel like they can tread water and not get tired.

What's the best way to find out how they are doing?

Either before the next appointment or during the first part of the appointment, give yourself permission to follow up and find out how the client is performing since the last appointment.  This is an extremely important part of coaching. 

More content doesn’t fix a person.

Find out from your client…

  • What is working?

  • What is not working?

  • Where are they getting lost, struggling or getting stuck?

  • How is the pace?  Too fast?  Too slow?

  • What do they wish you would teach them?

You might have to slow it down a bit.
You might have to back track to something you thought you already taught them.
You might have to change directions.
No matter what adjustment you make, they will get more of what they really want from you.

Happy clients tell others who they are working with.

In the last 19 years I have made some significant adjustments to the Coaching Programs that I have created.  I didn’t do anything wrong, I am adapting to the changing of the times.  The world has changed…the people have changed…the overall feeling on the planet has changed.  If I don't change as a coach…I will soon be outdated. 

You are meant to be a great coach.
Use those gifts and talents to serve others.
Yep, sometimes it gets tough and rough to stay on the path, but you have what it takes.
As a Coach you will experience tough learning lessons…it makes you a better Coach.
You change lives…and that impacts the lives of those around them.

Stay committed to your work, we need you out there doing your part!

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


Want More?

Kirk Duncan Group Coaching

Coach Fast Track: Up-Level your Coaching Skills

1-on-1 Coaching with Kirk


“Some failure in life is inevitable.  It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you fail by default.”

~ J.K. Rawling

Song of the Week:

X Ambassadors - Renegades

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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