4 Types of Coaching Clients

Make coaching easier

4 Types of Coaching Clients

  1. Squirrel

  2. Obstacle

  3. 99 yard Line

  4. Around, under or through…nothing stops them.

I was sitting in a small personal development class over 20 years ago and I watched the facilitator talk about different types of thinkers.  I was in that mode of trying to figure myself out…and when they brought up the obstacle thinker….THAT’S ME!  Well, it was good to know a name for the way I was thinking. At that time in my life I thought this was only a breakthrough for me, but as I have been coaching and meeting people around the world I find that knowing how to work with each of these types has really helped make coaching easier.


On the way to accomplishing the goal the squirrel thinker sees other opportunities for tasks to be completed and before they go to bed at night they did everything but the steps towards the goal they really wanted to accomplish.


As soon as a goal is decided upon all they see is everything that will be in the way or could possibly come up along the way that could/would stop them from accomplishing the goal.  These types come across as pessimistic.  Tough to be around because nothing is possible.

99 Yard line

Yep, you guessed it.  They get clear to the end…almost….so close….and then the goal doesn’t come together….it sits there in it’s last stages…they can’t figure out how to finish it….so they turn and set a new goal because they figure this goal wasn’t meant to be finished or something must be wrong with them.

Around, Under or Through…Nothing stops them.

Yes there are obstacles, but they find a way around, under or through to get it done.  Relentless.  They know there is a way and they find it.

Coaching Techniques per Type

So here is how I coach these different types of clients? As you continue to read you will see that I use different exercises and techniques to improve their skill level.


Their mind is highly active and can jump from one thing to the next so they need help in harnessing that creative power and channeling it towards what they really want to accomplish.  I ask them to write out the story of them creating and accomplishing the goal that they want.  Sometimes it takes them an extra bit of time to get this in writing because it’s so difficult for them to make decisions.  I then train them reading this “Story” out loud each day, if needed, 2x’s a day.  Each day they do this, their mind tunes in on the vibration of the story and this helps them stay more in focus through the day and the week.


Their mind is fixated on what is in the way.  I train this type of client how to visualize the best path with the least effort.  They can still see the obstacles, but they are now starting to form the BEST path through those obstacles.  This changes what they focus their energy on.  Instead of pouring energy into the obstacles they now are directing it at the better path.

99 Yard Line

What stops them is an internal emotional block.  They need training in how to find these blocks and how to disassemble them so they can “let go”.  The other stopper is a lack of closure.  A past event that is absent of closure can resurface and create a mental block. When they are so close to success, the mind brings up where they are still a failure in the past and that memory discourages them from finishing the goal.

Around, Under and Through…Nothing stops them. 

A routine is best for this type of person.  They already have the drive to succeed and they can accomplish what they set out to do.  The weakness they experience is burnout.  They will go and go and go….and then shut down.  Many times it takes a sickness to shut them down.  To avoid the shutdown, burnout or sickness from getting to them we build a Personal Care Routine for them.  Creating a healthy balance for them helps them stay sane, relatable and healthy.  

Here’s the kicker….just because I know how to train the client, it doesn’t mean that they are ready to accept that type of training.  Remember, they don’t know what they need….if they did, they would already be doing it.  These techniques can be difficult for the person to learn, because it is where they are struggling.  

So this is not a magic pill or a push the button kind of coaching.  This is coaching where it really counts.  So if you get push back from a client and they say that this technique is not working for them ... .that tells you they are not practiced with it.  Easy way to say it is….it’s the missing piece.

Stay Strong

Coaching is a life changing process.  For both the Coach and the Client.

Remember that your own personal development needs to be worked on.  If you slack off or step away from your own improvement plan you will end up slipping back.  Not a good feeling.  This could cause you to back off or pull back in your work.  Get back into it.  Do what you know that works and put in the time to rev your mind and passion back up.  You are not immune to slippage.

Good to know that you are out there in the world doing your part!

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter

Want More?

Kirk Duncan Group Coaching

Coach Fast Track: Up-Level your Coaching Skills

1-on-1 Coaching with Kirk


“Courage is not having the strength to go on,

it is going on when you don’t have the strength.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt

Song of the Week:

For those you care about…and hope they are strong enough…

Stronger ~ Lighter ~ Smarter


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